Our mission

Taking Innovation Into the Real World

Our mission is to use the knowledge and tools of molecular evolution to advance research and product development in biomedical biodiversity. We accomplish this mission by making fundamental discoveries, developing informatics resources and training the next generation of young scientists.

Please, join us!

Michael L. Klein, Carnell Professor

Meet Our Team

Michael L Klein
Michael L. Klein

Laura H. Carnell Professor of Science / ICMS Director / TMI Director / Former CST Dean

Axel Kohlmeyer
Axel Kohlmeyer

Professor of Research / HPC Director

Michele Young
Michele Young

Executive Assistant

Simona Percec
Simona Percec

Research Professor

enzo profile photo
Vincenzo Carnevale

Associate Professor

Mark DelloStritto
Mark DelloStritto

Research Assistant Professor

Steve Plimpton-2
Steve Plimpton

Adjunct Research Professor

George Petersson
George Petersson

Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Manal A Nael
Manal A Nael

Researcher Assistant Professor

Ahmed M. Abdelwaly

Research Assistant Professor

Ahmed Hamdy Ibrahim
Ahmed H. Ibrahim

Post Doctoral Fellow

Lamont Speller

Graphic Designer

Andres Felipe
Andrés Felipe Ortíz Almazo

Research Assistant Professor

Pradeep-pic 2
Pradeep Bhetwal

Post Doctoral Fellow

Subhajit Acharya

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Surya Choutipalli
Venkata Surya Kumar Choutipalli

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Min-Sang Lee copy
Min-Sang Lee

Postdoctoral Fellow Research Associate